Services. Fine Art Photography by Ksenia Mirnaya

Important to know

  • Original files are not provided
  • All photos are chosen by photographer
  • All provided photos go through a post production stage
  • All photos are delivered digitally
  • You get black & white photo processing options as a gift 
Services. Fine Art Photography by Ksenia Mirnaya
Services. Fine Art Photography by Ksenia Mirnaya
Services. Fine Art Photography by Ksenia Mirnaya
Services. Fine Art Photography by Ksenia Mirnaya

Every Photoshoot Package includes:

  • consultation on an image and selecting clothes
  • photo session length 
  • set amount of retouched photos
  • set amount of photos with author preset
  • a specified time frame to receive final product


This Session is good for one person or couple…

  • This Session includes one outfits and one location
  • This Session is about 30 minutes long
  • You will get up to 10 edited photos  
  • You will get 5 photograph with author preset 
  • You receive a final product in one/two weeks

Start from $75

Request Session


This Session is good for one person, couple or a small family…

  • This Session includes one or two outfits at one location
  • This Session will take about one hour
  • You will get about 20 edited photos 
  • You will get 10 photograph with author preset 
  • You receive a final product in one week

Start from $200

Request Session


This Session is good for personal projects (individual or a couple) as well as for a big family…

  • This Session includes up to tree outfits and one or two locations
  • This Session is from 1.5 and up to 2 hours
  • You will get up to 40 edited/retouched photos 
  • You will get 20 photograph with author preset 
  • You receive a final product in 5 to 7 days


  • Photoshoot announcement for the next day
  • One minute video

Start from $400

Request Session


This Session is good for personal projects/arts stories of individual/couple or a large group

  • This Session can include many outfits and up to tree locations
  • This Session could be longer than two hours
  • You will get up to 80 edited/retouched photos 
  • You will get 30 photograph with author preset 
  • You receive a final product in 3 to 5 days


  • Photoshoot announcement for the next day
  • One minute video
  • Fine Art Portrait (s)

Start from $800

Request Session


 I am very grateful to the heroes of my stories, who give me the opportunity to use photographs from our photo shoot in my portfolio, as well as to participate in professional competitions and exhibitions. 

Attention! A photo session on conditions of complete or partial confidentiality is agreed upon in advance.


Frequently Asked Question 

Services. Fine Art Photography by Ksenia Mirnaya

What does edited/retouched photos includs?? 

Photo Editing includes: 

color and tone correction of photographs, framing (if necessary), as well as adding brightness, contrast and saturation to photographs…

Photo Retouching meant work on skin defects and removal of debris  and some unnecessary details…

What is meant autor's preset

Author’s editing, photo enhancement (and here we already mean the artistic vision of the photographer, the “signature” colors of the author…)

Why you don't provide the original files?

I don’t give away raw material, because I don't want you to buy raw dough at the bakery, but buy a finished product — bread or buns!)))

Why is it important that all taken photos have to go through a post prodaction stage, even thought you are using a professional camera?

Some may believe photography is just about clicking a magical button, but it’s more than that. My process begins with raw format, like a film negative, needing post-processing to create the final image. I carefully review numerous shots to remove any issues like blurriness or unwanted expressions. Next, I use Lightroom to pick and process the best 20-50 images, depending on your chosen package. For the finishing touch, I use Photoshop, focusing on quality, not quantity